About Dhaka Labs

BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka was established in 1955 bearing the name of East Regional Laboratories under the erstwhile PCSIR as a multidisciplinary research establishment. It has eight research divisions viz. Chemical, Biological, Fibre and Polymer, Pulp and Paper, Analytical, Industrial Physics, Physical Instrumentation and Pharmaceutical. Current area _elds of research and development activities of the Laboratories are (a) Analytical Chemistry, (b) Tissue culture, (c) Biotechnology (d) Pulp and Paper (e) Fibre and Polymer (f) Production of chemical, pharmaceutical, Agricultural and allied products (g) Essential oil and cosmetics (h) Aromatic and medicinal plants (I) Material Science (j) Nano Technology (k) Arsenic Mitigation (l). Scientists of these divisions are engaged in research & development activities with the aim and objective to develop technology and to achieve self-reliance in industrial development. In addition to R & D activities the scientists are also engaged in providing analytical and testing services to various Public and Privet bodies, entrepreneurs and individuals. BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka has been entrusted with the responsibility of veri_cation of Arsenic removal technology.